Potential Officer Training
Interested in becoming a comissioned officer in the Territorial Army? The Potential Officer Wing of ULOTC forms part of the London District Regional Training Centre (RTC), which delivers Modules 1 -3 and 5 of the new TA Commissioning Course to TA Potential Officers. ULOTC is tasked with Modules 2 and 3. It also prepares OTC members with MTQ2 for RMAS by teaching MTQ3.

Module 2 is provided as a 9-day course twice per year and Module 3/MTQ3 is offered as a 9-day battle camp and also as a four-weekend package. There are also monthly Continuation training weekends in between courses to maintain standards. Further training is provided on Tuesday evenings.
The next Module 2 courses are on 21 – 30 October 2005 and 21 – 30 April 2006. The next weekend-based Module 3 course starts on 18-20 November 2005 and there will be a nine-day Module 3/MTQ3 course on 24 June – 2 July 2006.
Any TA Officer Cadet may apply for this training and there are normally slots available on all courses. Members of ULOTC who wish to join Cadre should apply to the Adjutant. Members of other TA units should request their own Adjutant to make contact with ULOTC or speak to their own RTC.
Coming up…
21-30 October – Module 2
18-20 November – Module 3 course starts
21-30 April 06 – Module 2
24 June – 2 July – Module 3 MTQ3 course